Hey Folks!

I ran across an article today that stopped me and made me think. I challenge you to pause and take a read too.

The thing I find most troubling in this, is the tactic the FBI is using/used that is documented here. You can bet a bakers dozen of the finest doughnuts that this is/has been employed in other systems. We live in the information age people! It matters not if the information is supposed to be ‘confidential’ or not; IT IS ALL TOO AVAILABLE to be perused at someone’s whimsical leisure. Funny how the US government has a hard time with the concept that the sword they like to swing can and is being used to cut them too (Wikileaks). Not that I think Assange is ‘right’ to disclose all that information. In fact, for the most part I personally think Assange is being arguably criminally negligent just to further his own politically motivated irresponsible agenda.

It’s not that I think the government should not ever have access to information that this tactic is designed to provide. BUT there should be an open and transparent procedure involved to safeguard such a powerful tool from misuse by those with less than honorable intent. So, methods for accountability really needs to be viewed as even more important than such tool (or tools similar) itself! Sorry folks, I just can’t be naïve enough to think that all with access to this ‘backdoor’ technology today or in the future will use it in a way that is for the greater good. And worse (Our track record of keeping secrets is dismal when it counts) if it has not already been discovered and being actively used by other nations (it soon will be) for disclosure of Classified state defense secrets right on down to new technology’s research and development in a (likely a state sponsored) corporate environment.

I could go on, but I am supposed to be writing a paper for school (I obviously got side tracked) with any free time I might enjoy today. Comments are welcome.

Until next post…
